My First Unity3D App

Wow…so that was exciting.

I just developed and published my first app using Unity 3D. I’ve learned a couple things along the way that might help someone else. For what it’s worth, I monetized with AdMob…not because I think AdMob is the best option (I don’t believe that at all), but because AdMob is a pretty solid mobile ad server. I may use a different solution in the future, but I’m not investing big money until I see how this pans out.

Which reminds me, I’ll also buy a Mac if this pans out. Using a VM was a pain in my ass (the setup went really quick). First, install your Mac OS X virtual machine on an SSD. I guarantee it will make a world of difference. Second, I like to work in big screens. It didn’t help me do that at all. I’m sure there’s a way, but in the last three weeks I’ve learned the basics of Unity 3D, C# (for scripting in Unity), how to basically use XCode (having never done it before). In the event you’re looking to build iOS apps with Unity…you need access to a Mac in some form or fashion. You can’t export iOS code without XCode (and integrating the AdMob SDK requires XCode anyway).

Second, make sure you have your code-signing ducks in a row. In XCode, this means using Apple’s Developer and iTunes Connect sites. There’s a caveat—you’ll need to make sure your account allows for push notifications, even if your app doesn’t push. Whether it was Unity 3D or the AdMob SDK, I’m not 100% sure, but you’ll save a step now (and potentially later) by enabling it (it requires you to generate some keys; Apple does a pretty good job of explaining how). However, Apple doesn’t really tell you how to get your keys, so I’ve included that below. For Android, you have to view the build settings in Unity 3D, create a new keystore (check the box, enter and confirm your password, click “Browse Keystores,” and save the keystore), and then create a new key with Unity (you’ll have the option to do so from the “Alias” drop down). Sign your code before you upload it.

  1. Log into iOS Dev Center
  2. Select “Certificates, Identities, & Profiles” from the “iOS Developer Program” menu on the right-hand side (click here for a screen shot)
  3. Choose “Provisioning Profiles” under the iOS Apps header
  4. Select “App ID’s” under “Identifiers”
  5. Click the “+” at the top
  6. Name the App ID, determine whether you want a specific or wildcard ID, and select the services you want (make sure to select “Push Notifications”)
  7. Confirm the information is correct and submit
  8. You will have to set up SSL certificates to use Push Notifications; Apple will walk you through it
  9. Select “Distribution” under “Provisioning Profiles” in the right-hand navigation
  10. Click the “+” at the top
  11. Select “App Store” under distribution and click “Continue”
  12. Select the App ID you want to create the profile for
  13. Select the associated certificate (may have one or more to select from)
  14. Name and generate the profile
  15. You’ll have to download the profile but everything else is pretty clear-cut

Feel free to post questions here as you have them!