Surprise! Private IP’s Can Move…

The AWS adventures continue…

I’ll keep this short and sweet, because it was almost life-changing and I’m tired of ranting. Something something be more positive something attitude affects everything something something eat a dick.

I noticed, previously, when adding additional private IP’s to an AWS instance, the input field has a placeholder value of Auto-assign. I never gave it much thought until my EC2 instance stopped connecting to the Internet yesterday. Maybe I can write another post on that later. Hours pass. Attempts to fix an issue affecting updates and certbot fail miserably. I rebuild the damn thing this morning; hence the lesson…

I debate and decide to test the merits of a separate standalone Network Interface. I’m certain, out there somewhere, in the deathlike silence and chill of a datacenter, a Sysadmin or DevOps Engineer knows the answer. I’m not that wizard, and the Interface idea fails spectacularly when binding those private IP’s to the EC2 instance. You might think I’d learn to test one or two IP’s instead of rewriting the whole damn netplan file, but apparently you don’t know me. So, the separate Network Interface idea dies in solitary.

At this point, I’m resigned to rewriting the netplan YAML again (that would be the second time in one day). “What the fuck, I might as well try to move these private IP’s and save myself an hour of work after spending 20 hours trying to fix it.”

Lo and behold, it worked. The heavens parted and the networking gods smiled on me. The fact you’re reading this is proof they haven’t shit on me since (at least in this case).